Hildur Jackson - Memorial Film & Zoom event

"Dreams of the Great Mother" is a film about Hildur Jacksons's dream of the Ecovillage as the birthplace of a new culture. It portrays her life as a social pioner, feminist, mother and her partnership with Ross Jackson, with whom she co-founded Gaia Trust that played an instrumental role in the birth of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN).

The film was created by her son Aon Solarra (formerly Rolf Jackson) who says: "This is the story of my Mother as I knew her and her quest to create cities of light, unlock the secrets of the past, build regenerative communities, honor the Great Mother and perhaps most of all: Her love of those closest to her. It is the story of her life and her death and what she revealed to me in her final hour."


View the film at: vimeo.com/oberion/dreamsofthegreatmother

The film is freely available online until January 20th, 2024.


Online Memorial on 16/01-2024, 15h CET 

On January 16th at 15h CET the creator of the film (Aon) will host a Memorial space for his mother for people who have watched the film and would like to share thoughts, anecdotes in relation to Hildur or share how her life and ideas may have impacted them.

Aon will be sharing a bit about the process of creating the film and what motivated it, and will answer questions that the audience may have in relation to the film.

Hildurs life partner Ross Jackson will also participate